WARNING: Products on this website contain nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Only for adults. Anyone below the age of 18 is prohibited from buying e-cigarettes or e-liquids.

Return Policy

Damage During Postage

When items leave our depot, they're all checked externally to make sure there isn't any obvious damage to the packaging. If an item arrives with dents, rips, or water damage, it's very likely that it was damaged during shipping/postage.

This is pretty rare, and the best course of action is to get in touch with us.

Manufacturer Faults

If an item is faulty when it arrives, it may be defective and covered under our Manufacturer Faults warranty. In this case, you'll need to ship the item back to us so we can either repair or replace it. Once the repairs are done, we'll ship the item back and reimburse you for the cost of shipping the defective item to us.

We'll cover items for 30 days from the purchase date. You'll also need some proof of purchase - either a website invoice, or a store POS receipt.

Here are some examples of Manufacturer Faults

The item won't turn onThe item isn't what was advertised on the packagingThe item is performing poorly (e.g. a faulty battery that doesn't hold charge)The item is unsafe (e.g. a Mod with a faulty fire button)

Please note that this doesn't apply if you change your mind, or if the item has been damaged by you. In this case, we won't be able to replace/repair the item, and you'll need to pay any shipping fees.